Old school Swatch Watches

Zeroing on a theme to put in your phone sometimes get too difficult. You just can’t find a theme that is good in all the aspects. It happens quite often that you wish to have the blend of features of two or more themes. You wish that you were able to combine different themes together and make a theme of your choice. If that’s what you are looking for then this application can solve the purpose.

Well, I m saying application over and over again but its not an application rather it’s a tutorial trick as to how you can customize the nokia S40 or S60 themes according to what you want. This is what you should do.
• Copy the theme.nth file on your desktop. .nth is the extension of the theme files of nokia phones.
• Now change the extension of the theme file from .nth to .zip. This can be done easily by renaming the file with .zip as the extension.
• Now extract the contents and when you open the extracted contents you will see all the files which comprise your theme. May it be the audio files or may it be the wallpaper of even the icons.
• You can edit the theme by replacing the file with the file you want to appear in the theme by renaming the new file to the name of the original file and replacing it. For instance you want to change the background image file called background.gif, you can do this by simply renaming the new file with the name background.gif and replacing the older file.
• If you have an in depth knowledge about how the themes work, then you can also edit the theme files by opening theme_descriptor.xml which contains the information about the entire working of the theme.

There is another software available which you can use to edit S40 and S60 Themes called CarbideUI.